Report Writing
Mode of Delivery
Target Audience
- Employees of private or public sectors
- Interested individuals
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, learners will be able to:
• Apply the elements of structure and style in developing technical report.
• Write different types of reports.
• Proofread and edit reports.
Content of Training
- Introduction to report writing.
- Format and structure.
- The writing process.
- Note taking: summarizing quoting, and paraphrasing.
- Writing effective paragraphs.
- Proofreading and editing.
ِAssessment method
Written and practical assessments.
Teaching and Learning Methods
The course is based on problem-based learning, blended learning (Face-to-face, Synchronous and Asynchronous) methods that will provide more opportunities for participants to be much involved in the learning process.
Certificate of Attendance and Completion.
The program duration is 40 hours over 8 working days.
Training Start Date: 19 May 2024
Training End Date: 29 May 2024
Timing: –
Training Fee is BHD 400

For more information:
Ali Al Asfoor : 17897363
Fahmi Alsaffar: 17897369